excel, excel formulas, mohamed saleh tricks, excel tricks
excel, excel formulas, mohamed saleh tricks, excel tricks
Interview Ques
Welcome to my “Interview Questions Excel File”! This resource has been meticulously crafted to assist both interviewers and candidates in their quest to excel in the job interview process. Whether you’re an HR professional looking to conduct interviews or a job seeker preparing for that crucial interview, this Excel file is designed to streamline your experience.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a powerful and versatile word processing tool that has become a standard in the business, academic, and personal environments.
Its extensive features, ease of use, and compatibility with other Microsoft Office applications make it an essential tool for creating and managing documents.
3 VBA Codes:
1: convert numbers to text only.
2: convert numbers to text with currency define.
3: convert numbers to Arabic text with currency define.